Giving yourself permission to write is an essential step in creating content, or working towards completing a book.
Feeling or having permission allows you to invest in yourself and pursue your goals. Consequently, you connect with higher levels in your mind.
Most importantly, you are empowered to think, feel, do or say things that result in self-discovery and personal growth.
Unfortunately, all too often, we sabotage our efforts to achieve our goals and therefore improve our lot.
We place taboos on ourselves, or let negative emotions, feelings, or outside influences stop us.
Why Do We Self-Sabotage?
Usually it’s because we feel we don’t deserve good things in our life. This is crazy and abnormal behavior! Or maybe it’s not?
Due to the fact that self-sabotage is all too common. Therefore, we believe this limiting behavior is normal. And it is also very unhealthy!
As a result, we invite you to join us in being crazy and abnormal.
You do this by giving yourself permission to not only dare to dream, but also to set goals, create plans, and take action.
Most importantly, believe that you deserve something better than you are currently experiencing.
Therefore, our mission at KESWiN Academy is to ensure that you become crazy and abnormal… in a positive way, of course!
So, how do you stop self-sabotaging and get started on taking the next step towards achieving your dreams?
How to Start Giving Yourself Permission
Permission, or lack of it, is determined by the frames you use for deciding what is acceptable versus unacceptable.
Choose to re-frame your lifetime of conditioning by our families, our friends, our public educators, our society, and the world in general.
For example, our past conditioning is currently being put under a global microscope.
Consequently, we are being pushed from every direction to question our past and present thoughts, feelings, actions and communications.
And this is exhausting and disorientating.
Most importantly, understand that permission about how we think, feel, act, and communicate never ever comes from an external source.
No one has the right to exert control or power over who you are, except you. This is the loudest message being shouted from every corner of the globe and is part of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
That said, at the same time, those who are shouting loudest about infringements on their rights are also telling us how we should or must think, feel, act, and communicate.
It’s no wonder the world is in such chaos when we are being given mixed messages all the time.
Reject the “You Must” and “You Should” Noise
Firstly, giving yourself permission to work on your dreams, whether it’s to write a book, build a business, or improve your lot, starts with learning how to reject the external “musts” and “shoulds” you are being bombarded with.
In other words, stop other people “shoulding” all over you!
Also, reject those old internal conditioning and frames which no longer serve you. You know what I am referring to.
Things that are no longer useful and are keeping you stuck. When you think about them, negative feelings start to bubble up inside.
Every part of you wants to scream, “Hell, No!” and push them mentally or physically away.
Feel and Experience Your Right and Authority to Your Primary Human Powers
Next, give yourself permission to be a human being on a journey of growth.
Claim, own, and use your human powers of thoughts, feelings, behaviors and communications. To do this you:
- Go inside your mind and say, “I give myself permission to write a book [build a business; or whatever your dream is.”
What do you notice as you say this?
What images, feelings, words, etc. come to mind?
Are these memories from past experiences or conditioning?
Or outdated frames, rules, inhibitions, demands, obligations, etc.?
Check the level and nature of any objections that may be preventing or forbidding you to move forward on your personal growth journey. - Repeat step 1, taking even more notice of the quality, nature, and texture of the permission, and your response to it.
Do this until you have full permission to grow into being your best self.
How much permission do you have?
What is the criteria and conditions for this permission?
To what extent do you have it? - How enhancing and empowering is your sense of permission?
Does it validate your sense of self?
Your relationships?
Your KESWiN (Knowledge, Experiences, Skill-sets, Wisdom, ideas, Narratives)?
Are there any valid objections, such as commitment and obligations to others who are dependent on you? - Write a permission statement, including and honoring any valid objections.
- Accept and release any invalid objections.
Use the power of “Hell, No!” to reject the ones that won’t let go.
Need More Tricks and Tips on Giving Yourself Permission?
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About the Author
Deb Donnell
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