Can you really write a nonfiction book in 28 days? Of course!
What would it be like if you achieved this goal? How will you celebrate? Who will you celebrate with? What does success look, sound and feel like for you?
Imagine typing “the end” and saving the file for your book one final time. You print out the last page and feel a deep sense of satisfaction.
Now you reach for and open the bottle of champagne (or other suitable sparkling beverage) that is sitting on your desk for exactly this moment.
Hearing the POP! of the cork (or hiss of the lid being opened) adds to your feeling of completion.
As you pour the wine into the glass, you watch and listen to the bubbles dance about. Inside you’re dancing with excitement too!
You lift the glass to your lips and take the first sip, letting the sweet liquid of victory flow smoothly over your tongue before you swallow.
Take your time and savor this moment of success. Do a celebratory dance or fist pump too! You deserve it. Because you are a rare and valuable person.
Due to the fact you have written a nonfiction book, you are now part of an elite group of successful writers.
Because while 81% of people believe they have a book trapped inside of them, less than 3% attempt to start writing it.
And of those who begin to write a nonfiction book, not even 3% go the distance.
In other words, by completing your book, you’re among the 0.07% who have also achieved this Mt Everest size writing goal.
Furthermore, by writing a nonfiction book, you know that:
I know because I’ve achieved this heroic quest again… and again… and again.
I’m Deb Donnell. My mission is to help you release your trapped book.
I’ve personally written, collaborated with, and worked with clients on numerous nonfiction books.
To be honest, I’ve lost count of how many.
After the destructive Christchurch, New Zealand Earthquake in February 2011, I collaborated with the New Zealand Response Teams to tell their story in the book Responders.
This was my first major independent publishing project on a national scale. It was distributed and sold in local, national and international markets. Furthermore, the book received great reviews.
“New Zealand has had volunteer response teams since World War Two. These teams are set up to respond to their communities when disasters or emergencies occur.
During the September 2010 and February 2011 Earthquakes, these teams were deployed. This was the first time in New Zealand’s history that a national mobilisation of these resources has occurred.
Responders takes you on the journey of the various roles the teams played. This is a great record of how volunteers give up their time, leave their families and work, and put themselves in potential harm to help other people.”
New Zealand Civil Defence and Emergency Management Impact Magazine Review, Volume 47, March 2013
“Responders throws important and lasting light on an aspect of the response to the Christchurch Earthquakes that might otherwise not have been accessible to many New Zealanders. It preserves an important piece of history of the Christchurch earthquakes.”
Hon Nikki Kaye, Minister of New Zealand Civil Defence, 22 January 2013 – 20 December 2016
And here are some of the other books I’ve written, or helped others write.
My first nonfiction book took me years to write… but the next one took me less than a month (which I mostly wrote during my lunch breaks while working full-time).
So, how can that be?
Well, when I decided to write my first nonfiction book, there were a few crucial things I hadn’t figured out.
For instance, who I was writing the book for, and what message I was trying to convey to them.
Therefore it took me a lot of false starts, second-guessing, and detours before I got it right.
In fact, it was only after I emerged, in shock, from the rubble of our earthquake damaged building that I finally had the clarity I needed about my book!
In other words, thanks to that devastating disaster, I began writing and publishing profitable books on a regular basis. Moreover, each subsequent title was a best-seller when released into the retail book stores (including the major chains). This was a huge achievement for an unknown author and self-publisher.
Consequently, I ended up developing the Diamond Publishing System™, an 8-step formula for writing, editing, self-publishing and marketing books.
Next, I tested my system with novice writers based around the globe through online and offline workshops and mentoring sessions. They found it very easy to follow.
However, not all of my students were successful at completing their book writing project within the time-frame I set them.
In fact, I noticed a big difference in who completed their book, and who didn’t.
For instance, those who I worked closely with and held accountable through mentoring sessions finished writing their book.
Furthermore, they went on to publish and sell their nonfiction books, and build their authorship brands.
But those who chose to only attend the workshop or self-drive their learning, thus opting out of my mentoring sessions, didn’t reach their goal. They let self-doubt, procrastination and writer’s block get the better of them.
Without support and accountability, they abandoned their project and gave up, leaving their book still trapped inside them.
Believe me, I don’t want you to wait until your world falls apart, like I did, before you write a non-fiction book. There is more than enough stress, anxiety, disruption and chaos in the world as it is.
Nor should you keep on delaying until “one day when the time is right.” Because you’ll discover that the time is never right. And then, one day arrives too late — due to the fact that you’ve passed away, taking your trapped book with you.
Sadly, I’ve farewelled too many incredible people who have left this world far too soon, with their valuable stories and knowledge still hidden inside of them. I don’t want to add you to their number.
Therefore, I’ve decided to offer you access to a series of live, interactive online mentoring sessions with me, which guarantee that you’ll write a nonfiction book in 28 days – or less – even if your first attempt (if you’ve made one) has been a disaster.
The 28 Day Challenge is open to anyone wanting to write a nonfiction book. However, because I am personally mentoring you to ensure that you succeed, I’m keeping the offer limited to a maximum of 100 people. Once enrolled, you will be assigned to a group of no more than 20 people.
Most importantly, when you sign up you’ll receive exclusive access to:
Working with Deb gave me a real understanding of the factors involved to write a book. I would have never completed my book without her help.
— David Clarkson, author of Dare to Deliver: The Dynamic Guide to Public Speaking.
Deb provides good information in her workshops, especially relating to the copyright requirements and other aspects of publishing.
— Jane Cowan-Harris, author of 10 Secrets to Creating a Healthy Home-Based Office
Once you enroll in the 28 Day Challenge to Write a Nonfiction Book, you’ll be assigned to a group. When your group’s challenge starts, you’ll attend weekly live and interactive online mentoring sessions.
You’ll also be sent an email each day for 28 days. Open it up. Follow the prompts. And before you know it, the first draft of your book will be completed.
You’ve got this… it’s as easy as writing an email to a friend in your spare time. As long as you allow about 30-60 minutes each day for writing, you’ll succeed.
Best of all, you can do this before you head off to work, in your lunch break, while waiting for an appointment to start, or in place of binge-watching TV shows or movies on your favorite streaming platform.
Firstly, let’s keep it real…
Because obviously writing a book in 28 days is not for everyone. Even so, we get the best results with people who commit to participating in our training and doing the assigned tasks for the full 28 days.
After all, that’s why I’m personally mentoring the first 100 people to sign up. And I promise it will be me.
You won’t be handed over to someone who I’ve personally hand-picked and trained in my system. Nor will you be accessing pre-recorded videos (unless you missed the live session).
Because in my opinion, it’s dishonest for me to sell you on being able to access my expertise and then I hand you over to one of my team, or send you a link to watch a pre-recorded video. I’ve had that happen to me before. And I vowed I’d never mislead anyone like that when marketing my own products and services.
Therefore, when we work together, I am committed to personally keeping you accountable at our weekly group mentoring sessions. In addition, these sessions are interactive. So they provide you with a great opportunity to share your challenges, ask questions and get answers and feedback in person… direct from me!
On the other hand, our Q&A sessions also provide feedback from you to me, allowing me to tailor the course to meet your needs – and therefore, making it even more awesome for future customers. In short, it’s a WIN/WIN for everyone!
Most importantly, my goal is to ensure that everyone who enrolls in the course now and in the future succeeds at writing the first draft of their book in 28 days or less.
Because when you succeed it means that my training program is a success as well. Which means others are going to succeed too.
As well as the live weekly online sessions, you are sent daily emails with tips, inspiration and writing prompts to keep you on track. Significantly this results in zero procrastination and zero excuses.
Also you have my support and accountability, as well as that of your peers, in KESWiN™ Academy’s exclusive and private community.
Given these points, you are getting a level of LIVE mentoring, support and accountability that will not be available to future groups (and quite likely not from other mentoring programs either).
Specifically, I’m offering this once in a lifetime deal because my goal is to develop out KESWiN™ Academy and the Diamond Publishing System™ to a superior standard — you could say I’m polishing it to gemstone quality.
With this is mind, I will be rewarding you for being part of the first group through the 28 Day Challenge. In light of the fact that you are beta-testing this training and providing me with your feedback.
If I were to work with you one-one-one for 28 days to write your nonfiction book, it’d cost you thousands of dollars. Also, I require my private mentoring clients commit to at least a 3 month contract to work with me. Significantly, they pay a minimum of US$8,500 for this premium service.
But clearly, I’m not going to expect you to pay that. After all, you’re helping me to beta-test my training program.
It’s important to realize that when I release this course with the same level of live, interactive group mentoring for future classes, the fee to enroll will be US$749.
But obviously, I’m not going to charge you that figure either. Even though I’m positive that by the end of the 28 days you’ll have the first draft of your book written and therefore will be further ahead than you’ve ever been. Not to mention a long way ahead of over 99% of the crowd.
As a matter of fact, after the beta-test is completed, I’m setting the price for the rest of the year at US$375.
Furthermore, this cost is actually an investment (and possibly a claimable tax-deduction too). If you plan to sell your book once it’s published using my Diamond Publishing System™, you’ll also easily make this money back in sales and opportunities after your book has gone through the editing, production and marketing steps.
For people who like to drill down the details into a daily cost, you’re looking at just over US$12 a day for my writing mentoring. That’s insane!
After all, US$12 is around the average cost of take-out comfort food. Most certainly, the value you’ll be putting in your book is worth way more than this!
For many people, the three biggest obstacles to writing their book is time, know-how, and cost.
However, I’ve already removed the first two:
So that leaves cost. But that should not be an obstacle because, as I explained above, this cost is an investment in yourself, and building a better future.
After all, I know you have valuable insights, talents and attributes to share.
You have an important message to share with your readers.
And you’re here to help others, by inspiring and/or empowering them.
Most importantly, you want to create something that matters; a legacy that continues to give value long into the future. Possibly your legacy will be passed onto the many generations who come after you.
And it may be that when you write a nonfiction book, it’s enough.
Given that, the first 100 people to sign up for my 28 Day Book Writing Challenge will only pay US$99.
That’s around US$3.50 a day… which is less than the price of a cup of coffee from Starbucks, Tim Hortons, or your preferred local café!
Okay. Now I’ve eliminated all the obstacles and excuses.
Do you want to start writing your nonfiction book this month?
Are you absolutely sure?
Will you take action to get started today?
Are you ready to be personally mentored by me in the 28 Day Nonfiction Book Writing Challenge?
If yes, then it’s time for you to commit to writing your nonfiction book in the next month.
The 28 Day Challenge: Write your nonfiction book, begins in…
You are fully protected by KESWiN Academy’s 100% Peace of Mind Guarantee
We’re confident that you’ll find the 28 Day Challenge: Writing Your Nonfiction Book useful. However, we want you to be happy, and to succeed on your authorship journey.
Therefore, if you go through the full 28 days of the Challenge and you don’t feel you’ve received value then we’ll refund you in full without any fuss. No questions asked!
The technique to write fiction is quite different to non-fiction. So this probably isn’t the challenge for you. In fact, if you like the concept of writing a novel in a month, then we recommend you look for a program like NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) or something similar. You won’t get mentored, but the community support and challenges make it a fun event!
Links to the Zoom sessions, your assigned group and KESWiN Academy will be provided after you enroll.
The first session will be run in the week beginning the Monday after you enroll (New Zealand Time Zone, which is the first time zone to see Mondays). The day and time will depend on which group you are assigned to.
Our next 28 Day Challenge Group starts on Saturday, 4 September 2021 at 10:00 a.m. (New Zealand Time).
We have taken into account the different time zones to make sure we have several options for you to pick from.
Once you enroll in the program, you’ll be given the option to choose a day and time that suits you best (subject to there being places available in the group).
We’ll do our best to keep the sessions at sociable hours in your time zone – and ours! In other words, there will be at least one option which doesn’t require you getting up or staying up between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m.
When you enroll you’ll be given a login to KESWiN Academy to be able to access the training material. As long as you don’t delete your member account, you’ll continue to have LIFETIME access to the 28 Day Challenge material.
In other words, if life gets in the way, as it does sometimes, you can pick up the training again whenever you are ready. Just be aware that you won’t have access to the live, interactive training sessions, the group or the community after the Challenge finishes – but you will still be able to access the recordings of the sessions.
However, if you decide to upgrade to a Membership Subscription for KESWiN Academy so you can edit, publish and market your book, you will continue to have community access and support. And even (if you choose) be part of a new group being mentored through the six modules of the Diamond Publishing System™.
Good question – and thank you for noticing. It’s more a stylistic thing that happened when we designed our logo.
For your information: KESWiN™ is an acronym for various facets of your talents and attributes, including your:
It’s awesome having Deb work with me to produce a real book. She delivers clear instructions and gives practical support in a friendly and approachable manner.
— Dr Alan Fayter, author of How to Chill Out: Earthquake Proof Strategies for Staying Calm in Any Crisis.
The 28 Day Challenge: Write your nonfiction book, begins in…
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